Good Evening everyone!.. ow or should I say.. good morning? lol!! it's 12:48 A.M. here in Manila, you might be wondering 'what am I doing in front of my computer whilst everyone is fast asleep!! hahaha.. anyway I'm here to share with you my couple of layouts I'm done with.. this is our church activity last October 12, 2008 - a Joined Fellowship with our Daughter church --- Toclong Baptist Church, which I can say was a very succesful one.. =) everyone enjoyed the games we had especially the prizes .. hehehe I mean lots of prizes!!! so here it is.. please feel free to leave me some comments .. good night.. smooooochiezzz!

This is my friend and a sister in the Lord, Jessieca.. we call her Icah. I think it's quite a tradition that everytime we meet, we tend to pose for shot.. hahaha, so after our fellowship it is a no way we are to miss taking pictures!! Aren't we cute on our poses??? hehehe and this one layout is with my hubby...
credits: Fall Splendor Sep2008 Blog Party, Le Blog de Scrap, Thorderson, Lliela and Jannylyn, JIC, AWP, digiMom, Alphas by Hook & ladder October DAD, Krsty's Scraps, Kristi
FONTS: Viner Hand ITC, Wendy LP Medium, Kabel Dm BT, Viner Hand ITC, Romeo,Roman Acid