Last week has been a long week for me, I had to finish a wedding layout and I had received some harsh comments which really hurt my feelings, although I really wanted to burst into anger - I am thankful that I didn't, God has been dealing with me and I can proudly say that I think I am maturing in my spiritual Life, I have set aside my personal pride and though my old sinful nature wanted to burst out and answer back! I have managed to calm myself and chose to keep silent.
This week has been a week of meditation and self evaluation, how do my Christian life affects my fellow Christians and most specially the non-Christians around me, Is my testimony enough to lead others to Christ? or even my fellow Christians consider me as a stumbling block? Dealing with attitude is I think the most difficult to handle.
This week I have learned the danger and the damage a tongue can make, guarding every words that come out of my mouth. "I have asked God to “set a guard” over my mouth and “keep watch over the door” of my lips (Psalm 141:3). I wish that every words I say promote life, and not destruction because what we say affects others. “There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword,” says Proverbs 12:18. But what we may overlook is the effect our reckless words have on us. When we gossip, or when we malign others, our words begin to ruin us, for we gratify the evil that is in us and strengthen it until it overthrows us".
This week I have asked the Lord, how come after so many years, I still have to experience this similar predicament? 10 years ago when I was a new Christian, (I was still a young people then) I have been accused of something I didn't do, I have received harsh comments and statements, I heard gossips about me, Is that the way to nourish a baby Christian in Faith? Looking back, reminiscing all the pains, the rocky roads, the stumbling blocks which God has put into my way ---- I have won the battles. But I have to ask the second time, after all those experiences and tests, have I learned my lesson??? So that is why - God is molding my character close to perfection - close to Christ-like character.
Let me share with you this devotional I have read:
It's been estimated that a talkative person may speak 30,000 words a day! But the important question is, how do our words, whether many or few, affect others?
A Greek philosopher asked his servant to cook the best dish possible. The servant, who was very wise, prepared a dish of tongue, saying, "It's the best of all dishes, for it reminds us that we may use the tongue to bless and express happiness, dispel sorrow, remove despair, and spread cheer."
Later the servant was asked to cook the worst dish possible. Again, he prepared a dish of tongue, saying, "It's the worst dish, for it reminds us that we may use the tongue to curse and break hearts, destroy reputations, create strife, and set families and nations at war."
We don't have to eat tongue to grasp that servant's point. But we may have to "eat our own words" quite often before we learn to avoid saying things we'd like to retract. Solomon wrote: "The tongue of the wise promotes health" (Proverbs 12:18). It affirms and encourages others. The key word in that verse isn't tongue but wise. The tongue is not in control, but the person behind it is.
If you want your tongue to build people up and not tear them down, ask God to make you wise. -- J. Yoider
A wise old bird sat on an oak—
The more he saw the less he spoke,
The less he spoke the more he heard;
Lord, make me like that wise old bird. —Anon.
Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind
and when to mind your speech.
but after all those hurts I had, God has still a consolation, I have receive this blog award - which made me smile despite my dismay.. Just would like to share it with you
and here's the Valentine kit entry I participated in:

should you wish to download this kit, just leave me a message or a comment with your email address