Thursday, August 7, 2008

Celebrating with our former church mates

hello, It's been a while since I blog.. I created some layouts but haven't posted it yet.. so this morning I would be sharing with you my creations for this past days.. (I was totally unhappy with my blog's template... I can't figure it out what is wrong with it.. so I haven't checked my blog for days)

so here are my scraps...

with me (from left to right) are Jaycel, Roselle, Meyette and Kristel

kent, is our Ninong Ptr. Rodel's and Ninang Dho's Eldest Son.. I can Still remember 4 or 5 years ago.. He would go home with us to stay for the afternoon before attending our fellowship. He loves hanging out with me (haha!! because of him, I once became an ate) have some chat.. sometimes play computer games and also take a nap... sometimes I really miss the good old days... = )

Take a look at the upper left picture.. he was a cute little boy back then.. but now.. he was a handsome young man!!! time fleets really fast... fast and furious.. hahaha

CREDITS: DDD July DAD kit, About a Boy Kit - AWP designs, Frolicsome Alpha - Eve Designs