so here are my scraps...
with me (from left to right) are Jaycel, Roselle, Meyette and Kristel
kent, is our Ninong Ptr. Rodel's and Ninang Dho's Eldest Son.. I can Still remember 4 or 5 years ago.. He would go home with us to stay for the afternoon before attending our fellowship. He loves hanging out with me (haha!! because of him, I once became an ate) have some chat.. sometimes play computer games and also take a nap... sometimes I really miss the good old days... = )
Take a look at the upper left picture.. he was a cute little boy back then.. but now.. he was a handsome young man!!! time fleets really fast... fast and furious.. hahaha
CREDITS: DDD July DAD kit, About a Boy Kit - AWP designs, Frolicsome Alpha - Eve Designs
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